- class compas_wood.binding.Globals[source]
Class to access global variables of the wood_nano library using class instance wood_globals:
>>> from compas_wood.binding import wood_globals >>> wood_globals.distance_squared = 10 >>> wood_globals.face_to_face_side_to_side_joints_rotated_joint_as_average = True >>> wood_globals.face_to_face_side_to_side_joints_all_treated_as_rotated = True
- Attributes:
- clipper_scaleint, default 1e6
The clipper scale.
- clipper_areafloat, default 1e-2
The clipper area.
- distancefloat, default 1e-1
The distance.
- distance_squaredfloat, default 1e-2
The distance squared.
- anglefloat, default 0.11
The angle.
- path_and_file_for_jointsstr, default “”
The path and file for joints.
- data_set_input_folderstr
The data set input folder.
- data_set_output_filestr, default data_set_input_folder + “out.xml”
The data set output file.
- data_set_output_databasestr, default data_set_input_folder + “out.db”
The data set output database.
- joint_volume_extensionlist[float], default [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
The joint volume extension, first 3 values are for xyz of the joint volume.
- output_geometry_typeint, default 4
The output geometry type.
- face_to_face_side_to_side_joints_all_treated_as_rotatedbool, default False
The face to face side to side joints all treated as rotated.
- face_to_face_side_to_side_joints_rotated_joint_as_averagebool, default False
The face to face side to side joints rotated joint as average.
- face_to_face_side_to_side_joints_dihedral_anglefloat, default 150.0
The face to face side to side joints dihedral angle.
- limit_min_joint_lengthfloat, default 0.0
The limit min joint length.
- existing_typeslist[str], read-only
The existing types of joints.
- joints_parameters_and_typeslist[float], default:
300, 0.5, 3, // 1-9 ss_e_ip (side-to-side edge in-plane)
450, 0.64, 15, // 10-19 ss_e_op (side-to-side edge out-of-plane)
450, 0.5, 20, // 20-29 ts_e_p (top-to-side edge plane)
300, 0.5, 30, // 30-39 cr_c_ip (cross cutting in-plane)
6, 0.95, 40, // 40-49 tt_e_p (top-to-top edge plane)
300, 0.5, 58, // 50-59 ss_e_r (side-to-side edge rotated)
300, 1.0, 60 // 60-69 b (boundary)
- custom_joints_ss_e_ip_malelist[Polyline], default []
Joinery polylines for custom side-to-side edge in-plane male joints.
- custom_joints_ss_e_ip_femalelist[Polyline], default []
Joinery polylines for custom side-to-side edge in-plane female joints.
- custom_joints_ss_e_op_malelist[Polyline], default []
Joinery polylines for custom side-to-side edge out-of-plane male joints.
- custom_joints_ss_e_op_femalelist[Polyline], default []
Joinery polylines for custom side-to-side edge out-of-plane female joints.
- custom_joints_ts_e_p_malelist[Polyline], default []
Joinery polylines for custom top-to-side edge in-plane male joints.
- custom_joints_ts_e_p_femalelist[Polyline], default []
Joinery polylines for custom top-to-side edge in-plane female joints.
- custom_joints_cr_c_ip_malelist[Polyline], default []
Joinery polylines for custom corner-to-corner in-plane male joints.
- custom_joints_cr_c_ip_femalelist[Polyline], default []
Joinery polylines for custom corner-to-corner in-plane female joints.
- custom_joints_tt_e_p_malelist[Polyline], default []
Joinery polylines for custom top-to-top edge in-plane male joints.
- custom_joints_tt_e_p_femalelist[Polyline], default []
Joinery polylines for custom top-to-top edge in-plane female joints.
- custom_joints_ss_e_r_malelist[Polyline], default []
Joinery polylines for custom side-to-side edge rounded male joints.
- custom_joints_ss_e_r_femalelist[Polyline], default []
Joinery polylines for custom side-to-side edge rounded female joints.
- custom_joints_b_malelist[Polyline], default []
Joinery polylines for custom base male joints.
- custom_joints_b_femalelist[Polyline], default []
Joinery polylines for custom base female joints.
- compas_wood.binding.beam_skeleton(mesh, divisions=10, number_of_neighbours=10, extend_ends=True)[source]
Get central axis of a mesh whose geometry is closed to a beam.
- Parameters:
- mesh
The mesh to get the central axis from.
- divisionsint, optional
Central axis is subdivded in this number of points.
- number_of_neighboursint, optional
The distance value for each polyline point is calculated based on the average distance to this number of neighbours.
- extend_endsbool, optional
Whether to extend the ends of the central axis to the mesh using Ray-Mesh Intersection.
- mesh
- Returns:
- tuple[
, list[float]] The central axis of the beam and the distances of the points to the mesh.
- tuple[
- compas_wood.binding.closed_mesh_from_polylines(input_polyline_pairs)[source]
Get closed mesh from polylines, where the first two polylines are the top and bottom polylines, and the rest are the holes.
- Parameters:
- input_polyline_pairslist[list[compas.geometry.Polyline]]
List of polylines that represents the timber elements.
- Returns:
- compas.datastructures.Mesh
closed mesh
- compas_wood.binding.get_connection_zones(input_polyline_pairs, input_insertion_vectors=[], input_joint_types=[], input_three_valence_element_indices_and_instruction=[], input_adjacency=[], input_joint_parameters_and_types=[], input_search_type=0, input_scale=[1, 1, 1], input_output_type=3, input_joint_volume_parameters=[0, 0, 0], input_custom_joints=[], input_custom_joints_types=[], remove_duplicate_polylines=False)[source]
Get connection zones for the given input parameters.
- Parameters:
- input_polyline_pairslist[list[compas.geometry.Polyline]]
List of polylines that represents the timber elements.
- input_insertion_vectorslist[compas.geometry.Vector], optional
List of insertion vectors.
- input_joint_typeslist[int], optional
List of joint types.
- input_three_valence_element_indices_and_instructionlist[int], optional
List of three valence element indices and instruction.
- input_adjacencylist[int], optional
List of adjacency.
- input_joint_parameters_and_typeslist[float], optional
List of joint parameters and types.
- input_search_typeint, optional
Search type.
- input_scalelist[float], optional
- input_output_typeint, optional
Output type.
- input_joint_volume_parameterslist[float], optional
Joint volume parameters.
- input_face_to_face_side_to_side_joints_all_treated_as_rotatedbool, optional
Face to face side to side joints all treated as rotated.
- input_custom_jointslist[compas.geometry.Point], optional
Custom joints.
- input_custom_joints_typeslist[int], optional
Custom joints types.
- remove_duplicate_polylinesbool, optional
Remove duplicate polylines.
- Returns:
- list[list[compas.geometry.Polyline]]
List of polylines that represents the timber elements.
- list[wood_nano.CutType2]
List of cut types.
- compas_wood.binding.joints(input_polyline_pairs, search_type=0)[source]
Get joints for the given input parameters. This is the very first step in the process of creating a timber structure - detection of interfaces.
- Parameters:
- input_polyline_pairslist[list[compas.geometry.Polyline]]
List of polylines that represents the timber elements.
- search_typeint, optional
Search type.
- Returns:
- list[list[int]]
List of element pairs.
- list[compas.geometry.Polyline]
List of joint areas.
- list[int]
List of joint types.
- compas_wood.binding.mesh_boolean_difference_from_polylines(polylines_lists)[source]
The polylines lists first items represnts elements outlines and the second items represents joinery outlines.
- Parameters:
- polylines_listslist of list of compas.geometry.Polyline
The polylines lists first items represnts elements outlines and the second items represents joinery outlines.
- Returns:
- list of compas.datastructures.Mesh
The meshes created by the boolean difference of the elements and joineries.
- compas_wood.binding.mesh_skeleton(mesh)[source]
Get the skeleton of a mesh.
- Parameters:
- mesh
The mesh to get the skeleton from.
- mesh
- Returns:
- list[
] The skeleton of the mesh.
- list[
- compas_wood.binding.read_xml_polylines(foldername='/home/petras/brg/2_code/wood_nano/src/wood/cmake/src/wood/dataset/', filename='type_plates_name_cross_vda_hexshell_reciprocal', scale=1)[source]
Read polylines from XML file.
- Parameters:
- foldernamestr, optional
- filename_of_datasetstr, optional
Filename of dataset.
- scalefloat, optional
- Returns:
- list[compas.geometry.Polyline]
List of polylines.
- compas_wood.binding.read_xml_polylines_and_properties(foldername='/home/petras/brg/2_code/wood_nano/src/wood/cmake/src/wood/dataset/', filename_of_dataset='type_plates_name_top_to_side_and_side_to_side_outofplane_annen_grid_small', scale=0.01)[source]
Read polylines from XML file with attributes:
insertion vectors per face
input_joints_types per face
input_adjacency per curren and next elements and their faces.
- Parameters:
- foldernamestr, optional
- filename_of_datasetstr, optional
Filename of dataset.
- scalefloat, optional
- Returns:
- list[compas.geometry.Polyline]
List of polylines.
- list[list[compas.geometry.Vector]]
List of vectors.
- list[list[int]]
List of joint types.
- list[list[int]]
List of three valence element indices and instruction.
- list[int]
List of adjacency.
- compas_wood.binding.rtree(polylines)[source]
Given a list of polylines-pairs find neighbors between them via aabb and obb collisions. Polyline pairs means the top and bottom polylines of plates.
- Parameters:
- polylineslist[compas.geometry.Polyline]
List of polylines.
- Returns:
- list[int]
List of neighbors.
- list[compas.geometry.Box]
List of aabb boxes.
- list[compas.geometry.Box]
List of obb boxes.
- compas_wood.binding.test()[source]
Test if wood_nano package is loaded by printing message in C++.